I will hold weekly office hours on Wednesdays at 10-11 and Thursdays at 11-12 in SSH 1252. If these times do not work for you, please schedule a meeting at another time. You may also email me to discuss any aspect of this course. Please put the course number in the subject line of the email. I will generally respond within one business day.
With the exception of the final paper, there is a two-day grace period (no questions asked) for all assignments. If you will be unable to turn in your assignment by the end of the grace period, you must meet with me to establish a timeline for completing it.
As in all courses at UC Davis, you will be held to the University’s Code of Academic Conduct, which prohibits all forms of academic misconduct, from outright cheating or plagiarism to inadequate citation. You must acknowledge this Code of Academic Conduct for each course in which you are registered on the Academic Participation website. All work that you submit for this class must be your own and must not have been submitted for a grade in any other class without prior approval from myself and the instructor of the other class. I will report all cases of suspected misconduct to the Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs. Please do not hesitate to ask in advance if you are unsure whether something you plan to do violates the code.